Fair Future NC is dedicated to the idea that those who work hard should be the focus of our policies. We are a group of concerned North Carolina citizens, spurred to action by a system rigged against us. We believe that the experiences of everyday people – not just those with money or influence – should be the driving force of government and our economy.

When the 1% are making record profits but wages stay the same, that is unfair. When corporate profits are put ahead of clean water and air, that is unfair. And when North Carolinians can’t rely on their elected officials to stand up for all of us, not just those in their own political party, that is unfair.

North Carolina is a place where fairness matters. We believe that everyone who works hard to provide for their families should have a chance to succeed in our growing state. For too long, North Carolinians have lived in an unfair system – hardworking families can’t keep up and the super-rich are profiting more than ever. We are focused on leveling the playing field in North Carolina so that hardworking families have access to good jobs, healthy lifestyles, and promising futures.

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