Let’s make good health accessible

As healthcare costs soar and pharmaceutical companies enjoy record profits, hard-working North Carolinians struggle to afford basic care. We’re committed to changing that, and your story can help. If you’re uninsured or have insurmountable medical bills, contact us and consider sharing your story to help others.

Lack of affordable health insurance in North Carolina

As healthcare costs have increased, so has the number of uninsured North Carolinians. More than 500,000 people were uninsured in 2020 — before the pandemic and its related job losses. Having large numbers of people without health coverage is expensive: It increases the number of costly emergency room visits and inflates the prices of premiums and prescription drugs for people who are covered.

Unlike other states that have expanded Medicaid as part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, North Carolina has made no progress on expanding affordable care options. Our failure to expand Medicaid results in a large portion of our communities going without preventive care and medical treatment, which in turn results in poor health, preventable deaths and unpaid medical bills.

Failing to expand Medicaid also hurts rural hospitals. Many have been forced to close or reduce services due to loss of funding. Hospital closings — and the end of critical services like maternity care and mental health services — limit care in remote communities and put nurses and doctors out of work.

The solution to high costs and low coverage: North Carolina Medicaid expansion

The pandemic gives us a chance to show our true values of care and compassion. And Medicaid gives us the chance to keep our communities safe and healthy while being fiscally responsible.

In order to have affordable healthcare in North Carolina, we need to expand Medicaid. That way, we can cover hundreds of thousands more people and offer them basic care that prevents costly emergencies and illnesses. Medicaid expansion will save North Carolinians’ lives, while also saving taxpayers money. Offering Medicaid to those who aren’t insured today will make premiums and out-of-pocket costs more affordable for those who are covered.

Let’s create affordable health insurance in North Carolina

As we work to expand Medicaid in North Carolina, you can help us get the right people on board by sharing your story. If you’ve faced overwhelming healthcare debt or other challenges related to inaccessible care, contact us. 

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